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Contoh Soal Tentang Agreement and Disagreement: Boost Your English Language Skills!

If you are looking to improve your English language skills, one area that can help is practicing agreement and disagreement. As a professional, I have seen the importance of proficient English communication in the content industry. Let`s take a closer look at this language skill and some example questions you can use to practice.

What is Agreement and Disagreement in English Language?

Agreement and disagreement involve communicating whether you agree or disagree with a statement or point of view. These language skills are essential in debates, negotiations, and discussions, and can help you effectively communicate your opinion.

In English language, you can use several phrases to express agreement and disagreement. Here is a list of common phrases to use when you agree:

– I completely agree with you.

– That`s exactly what I think.

– You`re absolutely right.

– I couldn`t agree more.

– Precisely.

And here are some phrases to use when you disagree:

– I`m afraid I disagree with you.

– I don`t really see it that way.

– I see your point, but…

– I`m not sure I agree with your perspective.

– I have to respectfully disagree.

Now, let`s practice using these phrases in some example questions.

Example Questions to Practice Agreement and Disagreement

1. Do you think that online classes are better than traditional classrooms?

2. Should students be allowed to use mobile phones in the classroom?

3. Is it important for teenagers to take up a part-time job during their school years?

4. Do you believe that recycling is the best way to protect the environment?

5. Should parents be allowed to use physical punishment to discipline their children?

6. Is it necessary for everyone to learn a second language?

7. Do you agree that social media platforms have a negative impact on young adults?

8. Should college be free for all students?

9. Do you believe that pets should be banned in public places?

10. Is it necessary to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet to be healthy?


Agreement and disagreement are critical aspects of English language communication. Practicing these skills can help you to express your opinion with confidence and clarity. So, don`t be afraid to practice and use the phrases mentioned earlier. By doing so, you will become more proficient in your English communication skills and improve your chances of success in both your personal and professional life.